Monday 13 October 2014

How to banana pancake.

I love those recipes that use leftovers, nothing better than ensuring food isn't going to waste and all. But my leftovers never seem to resemble Nigella's leftovers. Besides, if you have left over cooked ham, it probably means it wasn't very good. Essentially, there never is any leftover food in my house, because I EAT IT ALL, bitch.
However, since I mainly cook for one ( forever alone ) I end up with various half used ingredients, that for the sake of this blog shall be referred to as leftovers.

So last night I was making raspberry macaroons, and I'm not emotionally ready to describe the stress and physical pain of making them. Anyway, I had these egg yolks left over (3).
And I ain't wastin no good egg yolks, oh no. Initial plan therefore was, sunday morning french toast.

But then (by English teacher would be so proud, starting sentences with so and but, not giving a fduck) I realised I have some strawberries which badly need to be used up, and some bananas, which despite natures best efforts, just did not seem to ripe, ever. As a result, I ended up making these pretty awesome, and healthier than french toast, Banana Pancakes. Bancakes?

I used:
-2 pretty big bananas
-3 egg yolks (but you know, they were leftover, so one big egg would do)
-2 tbsp plain flour
-1/4 tsp baking powder
-3 tbsp warm water
-coconut oil

Optional stuffs:
-toffee sauce
-icing sugar, whatever floats your boat..

Fun part:
Mush up the bananas, add the egg(s), mix well. Sift in the flour (it will make the mixing easier, and I like sifting things because it's almost like shifting things only less filthy, and hey its Sunday) and baking powder. When things are looking pretty grumpy and clumpy, add some warm water slowly, and keep mixing, it will eventually start looking alright.
Dangerous part:
Heat up some coconut oil on your favorite pan. Yes, use your favorite frying pan because why not. Spoon out some glorious banana mush and flatten it out. Flat out, like. Fry them until the edges look like they have formed a skin, and you can lift them up flip the thing. Or if you're skilled enough, do the flipping trick to impress the ladies. I cant do that so I depend on a spatula and wishful thinking.
#FoodPorn part:
Yeah now is the time to get your phone, assemble the beauties and instragram le shit out of them. I added some strawberries and toffee sauce, and it was a good choice.

If all goes well, you'll end up with something like this (minus the filter)

I do recommend making these, because they're not actually that bad. They are healthier than normal pancakes. Somewhat.
Life isnt all about being healthy lol

Sunday 12 October 2014

Last batch of sunny Central. I swear.

So I promised myself I'd be more productive, and hey, don't get me wrong, this week I've repainted my nails over 3 times. That's productive. Its already become pretty miserable outside, and I spend the weekend looking for gloves and a hat, and warm socks. Maybe once I'm equipped to face the elements, I'll go out and take more pictures for y'all. Until now, here's the final batch. Even I cant believe we had such a nice day last week.. Oh well.. 
Pictures end at Westminster, because that's when I decided to go home, with a bright red runny nose and frozen appendages.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Suspiciously Sunny London

So after getting drenched in the morning, and basically developing an aquarium in my shoes, I was ready for the sun. Not.
The sun came out of nowhere and just pissed everyone off, like the people without sunglasses (me) and the people who had to then carry their coats around, looking like nomads (me).
Within two hours of the sun, the streets were packed. That's why I like rain.
Anyway, here's some more photos.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Sunny day in central London, how to survive.

Don't go into central London with freshly washed hair, and expect everything to be fine.
It just gets out of hand, ends up in eyes, mouth, food.. Catches all the different types of smokes around, and in the end youll end up with a big dread at the back.

Other than that, central London wasn't half as bad as I expected it to be, for a Saturday afternoon. It started off miserable, but I was too busy exploring all the shops to care, thankfully later the sun came out, so I could take few photographs, for whoever bothers to look here. Hi Mom.

I'll upload them in batches, throughout the week.